
Jackie Unitt


Jackie Unitt

Jacqueline Unitt attended Metropolitan State College of Denver, earning a Bachelor’s of Science. She then attended the University of Colorado at Denver to obtain her Masters in Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Special Educational Specialist degree; and recently completed her Educational Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership. She graduated from Aurora Central High School. She has 3 boys, and 1 daughter who also attend/ed APS. She has worked for Aurora Public Schools for 15 years, starting her 5th year at Elkhart.

Michelle has been a member of the Elkhart Community since 2008. This is her 25th year of teaching. She has always wanted to be a teacher even though she was discouraged by her family. She received her degree from the University of New Mexico with a Bachelor of Science in Education. She started her teaching career in Albuquerque, New Mexico and that is where she met her husband, Dan. They have 4 adult sons who live in the Denver area. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends. She loves to sew, cook, garden and spend time outdoors. She loves being a part of the Elkhart community and helping children learn.

Tanya Tenane


Tanya Tenane

Ms. Tenane has a bachelor's degree in English and Elementary Education and a masters degree in curriculum and instructional design and loves teaching kindergarten. She grew up in a small town in Colorado where she loved playing sports and playing with animals on her family's farm. She loves to travel and did her student teaching in Bangkok Thailand and was a volunteer in the Peace Corps for three years in Africa. She has two children and loves spending time with them, being outside, reading and learning new things.

In my teaching career here Elkhart I began in the Sped department for two years. I then taught

Third grade followed by Kindergarten . I spent a few years in Kindergarten then moved to First grade. I missed the little ones so I became a kindergarten interventionist . I was then moved to my own Kindergarten classroom and I have been here ever since. I love the little ones!!